| Private Pvt Requirements: Total Score: 0 points |
 | Private First Class PFC Requirements: Total Score: 150 points |
 | Lance Corporal LCpl Requirements: Total Score: 500 points |
 | Corporal Cpl Requirements: Total Score: 800 points |
 | Sergeant Sgt Requirements: Total Score: 2,500 points |
 | Staff Sergeant SSgt Requirements: Total Score: 5,000 points |
 | Gunnery Sergeant GySgt Requirements: Total Score: 8,000 points |
 | Master Sergeant MSgt Requirements: Total Score: 20,000 points |
 | First Sergeant 1stSgt Requirements: Total Score: 20,000 points Badges: - Basic Knife Combat
- Basic Pistol Combat
- Basic Assault Combat
- Basic Anti-Tank Combat
- Basic Sniper Combat
- Basic Spec-Ops Combat
- Basic Support Combat
- Basic Engineer Combat
- Basic Medic Combat
IMPORTANT: To get this rank, you MUST have all of these badges BEFORE reaching point-requirement! |
 | Master Gunnery Sergeant MgySgt Requirements: Total Score: 50,000 points |
 | Sergeant Major SgtMaj Requirements: Total Score: 50,000 points Badges: - Basic Armor
- Basic Transport
- Basic Helicopter
- Basic Aviator
- Basic Air Defense
- Basic Ground Defense
IMPORTANT: To get this rank, you MUST have all of these badges BEFORE reaching the point-requirement! |
 | Sergeant Major of the Corps SgtMajC Requirements: Total Score: 50,000 points Highest Sergeant Major of the Week |
 | Second Lieutenant 2ndLt Requirements: Total Score: 60,000 points |
 | First Lieutenant 1stLt Requirements: Total Score: 75,000 points |
 | Captain Cpt Requirements: Total Score: 90,000 points |
 | Major Maj Requirements: Total Score: 115,000 points |
 | Lieutenant Colonel LtCol Requirements: Total Score: 125,000 points |
 | Colonel Col Requirements: Total Score: 150,000 points |
 | Brigadier General BGen Requirements: Total Score: 180,000 points Play Time: 1,080 hours Badges: - Veteran Armor
- Veteran Transport
- Veteran Helicopter
- Veteran Aviator
- Veteran Air Defense
- Veteran Ground Defense
Hint: As soon as you have all the requirements, you will be awarded this rank. |
 | Major General MajGen Requirements: Total Score: 180,000 points Play Time: 1,250 hours Badges: - Veteran Knife Combat
- Veteran Pistol Combat
- Veteran Assault Combat
- Veteran Anti-tank Combat
- Veteran Sniper Combat
- Veteran Spec-Ops Combat
- Veteran Support Combat
- Veteran Engineer Combat
- Veteran Medic Combat
Hint: As soon as you have all the requirements, you will be awarded this rank. |
 | Lieutenant General LtGen Requirements: Total Score: 200,000 points Play Time: 1,440 hours Hint: As soon as you have all the requirements, you will be awarded this rank. |
 | General Gen Requirements: Total Score: 200,000 points Highest Rank of the Month |